
Bass Guitar Practice System [Notion Template]

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Bass Guitar Practice System [Notion Template]

Stop wondering around with your bass guitar, "practising" without keeping track of what you are doing. Get focused on your bass practice with this great template.

With the PRACTICE TRACKER, the main tool inside this system, you can now log every practice, including time, duration, focus areas, notes, etc. The system will not tell you what to practice... but as you start logging your practice sessions, it will allow you to see how consistent you are with your practising, and where you are putting the focus.

But that is not all! The system also includes the following sections:
Courses & Lessons: If you are following any courses or lessons, you can keep track of these as your log the practices.

Songs Library: If you are learning songs, you can keep track of them here as well, including links directly to a play-along video, tabs or Spotify.

Videos & Links: Apart from songs, you can save here any other links that you want to come back later so you don't lose them. Could be a cool video on Youtube, or a link to a product you are looking to buy.

Equipment: As a bass player I'm sure you own a few pieces of equipment; from your instrument to amplifiers or pedals. Keep track of all of them and information that might be useful like the warranty details, or serial numbers.

Calendar: Whether you play in a band, you teach lessons or you attend school, we all have commitments. Keep track of those in your handy calendar.

The system also comes in a DARK and LIGHT modes, so you can choose the one that best fits you.

By purchasing this template you have lifetime access to any future updates.

Happy Slapping,


Who am i? Why did you come up with this?

More than often I ask that myself. I've been playing bass for over 30 years and I've wasted huge amounts of time by not having a more structured system to practice, over the last year, since I came across Notion, I developed this system and I've been using it in combination of some great content on Scott Bass Lessons, and my playing has improved more than ever.

What is Notion? Is it Free? Do I need it to use the Bass Practice System?

Notion is a workspace that you can configure to your need. You can think, write, plan, track progress, manage projects, and of course, run a great system to track your bass practice! And yes, Notion is free and you need it installed to run this template.

Can I get a refund if this is not what I was looking for?

Through the detailed description and the screenshots above you can get a good idea of what you're getting before the purchase. However, because I am really confident that there is value in this template I am offering a 30-day 100% refund, no questions asked. Just reach out to me at coffeewithlucas@gmail.com with the subject 'REFUND BGPS' if you really think that was not a good buy.

Have any questions?

Feel free to DM me on Twitter @LTNotion or email me at coffeewithlucas@gmail.com

I want this!

You get immediate access to the following:

Notion Template
Access & Updates
Practice Tracker
Courses & Lessons section
Songs Library section
Videos & Links section
Equipment Section
Calendar Section
Full Tutorial
Dark & LIght Modes
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30-day money back guarantee